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Scott French is an internationally recognized photographer specializing in habitats and environments. He is best known for his large-scale, pastel-colored photographs as well as his cinematic night scenes. His work attempts to show how a community reveals itself through architecture.


"I’m always seeking to capture the mood and the promise as communities reinvent themselves. My hope is that the viewer will take a closer look to consider not only the city’s transformation but how these changes have reshaped people's lives."


"As far as my process goes, I’m usually not looking to do a literal representation of a scene. I’m trying to reimagine places in a way that coincides with the idea I’m exploring. So most of my work requires a lot of planning to meet the technical and aesthetic challenges involved. The way a scene is lit is a key element in most of my photographs and not something I try to create in post-production. I often have to plan several months in advance (sometimes longer) to get the light where it needs to be. The final step is processing the image in the digital darkroom which is a layered, lengthy process. Each photograph goes through days of adjustment to bring out details and nuances and eventually, the vision that I’m working towards."


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